Therapeutic Riding

Therapeutic Horse Riding is a global term that encompasses all horse-related activities for people with disabilities. Historically, the therapeutic benefits of the horse were recognized as early as 460 BC and have been recognized as physically, psychologically, socially, and educationally beneficial.

Some of the benefits of Therapeutic Horse Riding are an improvement in physical health, relaxation of tight muscles, an increase in balance, building of muscle strength, mobilization of trunk and pelvis, sharpening of hand/eye coordination, improvement in social skills, and a gain of sense of control and self-confidence as the rider experiences a freedom which has often never been felt before.


Our Ride Programs

At TROtt we offer two main types of program with the opportunity to tailor classes to the individual needs of the riders. The most suitable program is chosen after the completion of an assessment and trial period.


Riding Skills

Riding Skills classes are conducted in small groups of up to four riders. Qualified instructors, assisted by volunteers, teach riding lessons tailored to the riders’ abilities and requirements. Riders are encouraged to develop functional riding skills with a therapeutic benefit.


Developmental Riding

A trained instructor encourages the rider’s movement exploration through a variety of developmental motor, perceptual motor and other sensory and sequencing activities and games. This is carried out in small groups up to four riders.


Click for information on how to apply to these programs or to send us a question.